Features of Pharma CRM Bird Notes


Bird Notes is a CRM dedicated to pharmaceutical laboratories and medical promotion agencies. It is made up of three parts: the first part is dedicated to medical representatives or pharmaceutical sales representatives in the form of a mobile application, the second part is dedicated to administrators, managers and supervisors in the form of a web application. The third part is a centralized database shared between the web and mobile applications. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

CRM Pharma web application for supervisors and administrators  



Bird notes’ CRM pharma offers a web application through which pharmaceutical companies can manage and supervise their sales, pharmaceutical and medical visit activities.

pharma crm medical visits follow up

Follow-up of medical visit reports

Through this module, the pharmaceutical laboratory or medical promotion agency supervisor can track medical and sales visit reports. The tracking interface offers filtering and grouping by period, delegate, prospect, depot or wholesaler, sector, type, potential, product, specialty, establishment, sector and locality.

Monitoring coverage of pharmaceutical and medical visits

The coverage module of Bird notes' pharmaceutical CRM enables supervisors to see, for a given period, the coverage of prospects by delegate, sector of activity, potential or specialty. This analysis can be used to identify shortfalls by comparing estimated targets with actual results.

pharma crm orders management

Follow-up of sales visits and orders, samples and freebies

This module allows you to track past orders, with the possibility of filtering by customer, period, wholesaler, sales representative... This module also offers: Tracking of samples, free wholesale and free lab orders Automatic emailing of orders to users and wholesalers Calculating sales over a period by sales representative, customer, warehouse or wholesaler...

crm pharma marketing compains management

Marketing campaign monitoring

This module enables the marketing manager of a pharmaceutical laboratory or medical promotion agency to manage the marketing actions to be carried out by a pharmaceutical or medical representative, for the benefit of a group of prospects, to promote certain products.

crm pharma activity monitoring

outside visits activity monitoring

This module enables the supervisor to track non-visit activities such as vacations, training, staffing...

pharma crm tracking expenses

Tracking expenses

This module enables the pharmaceutical laboratory's or pharmaceutical promotion agency's finance department to track and validate expense reports and expenses incurred by the sales or medical representative during prospect visits. Each expense report includes the following information: type (travel, accommodation, catering, etc.), budget and supporting document (receipt, invoice, etc.).

pharma crm statistics


This module offers the pharmaceutical company statistical reports with tables and graphical representations, in several formats customized to the customer's needs, using powerful and innovative BI tools. This module enables in-depth analysis of data and constructive conclusions to be drawn.

crm pharma AI features

Order prediction using artificial intelligence

Using artificial intelligence, this module predicts the number of orders of one or more products for one or more prospects during a given month.

pharma crm prospect and client management

Prospect and customer portfolio management

Prospect management (Doctors, Pharmacies, Parapharmacies, Depots, ...), potential, geographical location, sector, locality and specialty Definition of the prospect's geographical position on a map.

crm pharma users management

User management (delegates, supervisors and managers...)

This module enables the administrator to create a user and assign him a role (delegate, supervisor, manager). Each role has a set of permissions configured in the permissions module.

pharma crm git management

Assigning samples and gifts

This module allows you to assign a number of samples and gifts to a pharmaceutical or medical delegate, in order to control inventory.

pharma crm fee and discount management

Managing freebies and discounts

This module allows you to define free quantity rules according to the type of prospect or customer, potential and product.

pharma crm commission management

Commission management

This module lets you define commission rules for one or more delegates, depending on the wholesaler, product and period.

crm pharma sales & medical reps activities monitoring

Objective management

This module enables you to define objectives in terms of number of visits, number of orders or sales, for a group of sales representatives over a given period, based on several criteria: products, sector, specialty, potential...

pharma crm rules validations

Validation management

This module defines the users involved in validating new creations on the delegate side (expense claim, schedule, marketing action, new prospect, prospect modification) according to a clearly defined workflow.

pharma crm notification

Notification management

This module defines the users to be notified according to the type of event, such as new creation or modification, validation on the delegate or supervisor side.

crm pharma product workload management

Workload and pharmaceutical product management

This module enables you to manage product ranges and products to be presented or marketed according to prospects' specialities.

Mobile CRM pharma application



Bird notes CRM pharma also offers a mobile application, through which medical, pharmaceutical and sales representatives can execute and report activities requested by marketing and sales management. It mainly offers the following modules:

Scheduling sales and medical visits

The medical or sales representative can choose which prospects to visit during a given week, using a multi-criteria search such as sector, potential, specialty... In addition, he can duplicate his planning in future weeks.

Entering medical visit reports

The sales representative can collect and capture all relevant information on healthcare professionals for your SFE (sales force effectiveness), such as stock levels, customer feedback, date, products presented with their presentation orders, number of samples given...

Scheduling recommendations using artificial intelligence

This module recommends a list of prospects for the medical or sales representative to visit, based on the sales forecast for the current month.

Placing orders and notification

CRM pharma Bird notes enables the pharmaceutical sales representative to enter orders and automatically send the purchase order directly to supervisors and the relevant wholesaler.

View history of pharmaceutical and medical visits

The medical delegate can view his prospect visit history with all the details of the visit, with the possibility of filtering according to several criteria. This module also offers graphs and statistics, providing a summary of his achievements.

Prospect portfolio management

The Bird notes CRM pharma mobile application enables pharmaceutical sales representatives to consult their prospect portfolio. They have the right to add and modify a prospect from their mobile application. In this case, the administrator receives a notification of the update request, and can approve or reject it.

Entering expense claims

The sales or medical representative can also enter and send expense reports. For each expense claim, the user can enter the amount of the description and attach a file such as an invoice or receipt.

Input of activities outside visits

Bird Notes medical CRM features a diary that enables the medical or pharmaceutical delegate to view non-visit activities such as vacations, congresses, training courses...

Visualization of achievements against objectives

Pharmaceutical sales reps can track their achievements against objectives in terms of number of visits, number of orders and sales, with graphs based on several axes, such as potential, specialty, sector...

Internal messaging

The Bird Notes pharma CRM is equipped with an internal messaging system, enabling real-time communication with delegates and supervisors, so you can stay up to date on everything from doctor, pharmacist or wholesaler feedback to news, upcoming events and product needs.

Timely notification

This module enables the pharmaceutical or medical delegate to receive instant notification of events occurring on the administration platform, such as validation, refusal, revision requests, etc.

Centralized database



Bird Notes pharmaceutical CRM is centralized. It has a single, common database that encompasses all the pharmaceutical company’s or promotion agency’s data, such as prospect lists, delegates, products and geographical areas.


In addition, Bird Notes ensures controlled updating of prospect data to avoid conflicts and ensure a unified, up-to-date database. In addition, Bird Notes’ pharmaceutical CRM enables fast, intelligent import of prospect lists, with merging and elimination of duplicates to keep data clean. This feature is based on an intelligent algorithm that detects duplicates even if their fields are not identical.


Each user receives his or her own database of prospects on their smartphone, as assigned by the system administrator. The delegate or visitor has the right to add or modify one or more prospects. Each modification must be validated by the administrator.